we couldn't do it without you


Organising Committee Member - General

We are seeking 1 or 2 individuals to join our Walk Organising Committee to support with various jobs, this can range from organising the portaloos for the day or helping organise all of the volunteers across 14 checkpoints! Any experience working with charities or any connections with organisations across the Island that may be able to support the Walk is welcome, above all though we are seeking someone who is genuinely willing to give up some of their spare time to make the walk a success and promote the Island and our charities!

We meet normally once a month, increasing to every couple of weeks as we get close to the walk, the organising committee meetings will generally take less than an hour as we run over the jobs outstanding and any challenges we are having (it’s a team effort to face any challenges together!). The Walk is on the 3rd Saturday in June when up to 300 volunteers assist. Each year 3 main charities are chosen by the trustees plus about 6 more that get lesser amounts. All costs are met by the sponsors so that the money raised by the entrants is redistributed to the chosen charities.

Email us at islandwalkjersey@gmail.com for more information.

Organising Committee Member - Social Media Support

The Around the Island Walk Trust is seeking someone to help run the trust's social media activity including Facebook and Instagram, as we run up to the launch of the walk every year social media plays an important role in engaging the Island and our followers abroad on training tips, updates, countdowns etc. We would like someone who is a frequent and adapt user of social media, especially if you have good experience with pre-planning posts, keeping people engaged or have your own local social media following.

We meet normally once a month, increasing to every couple of weeks as we get close to the walk. Social Media will increase in activity, and we will be looking to post at least once a week or more as we get closer to the Walk itself!

All applicants welcome, above all we need those enthusiastic for Jersey and the Around the Island Walk!

Email us at islandwalkjersey@gmail.com for more information.

On the day Volunteering

Whilst we do have a number of volunteers that help make the Island Walk a success we are often looking for additional volunteers to help out on the day - this can range from handing out medals at the finish line to helping to scan people at checkpoints, this could mean a very early start or a late finish! If you are willing to give up some of your time then please do let us know and we will keep your details on record for when we get closer to the day and we may reach back out to get your help!

Email us at islandwalkjersey@gmail.com for more information.